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I.    技術描述 Technical Description

A.       主機 Machine(I)

作為三維數字技術革新的者,形創公司全新推出的Handyscan 3D系列手持式自定位三維掃描系統,使得三維數字化掃描再次上升到一個新的高度,能夠完成各種大小、內外以及逆向工程和形面三維檢測應用。該系統具備以下先進的技術特點:

As the world’s leading innovator in,Creaform’s new Self-positioning Handyscan 3D laser scanner redefines portability that can up to the requirement of 3D laser digital scanning for the small or big, outside or internal of the  object,  , inspection, inspection and reverse engineering application. The Handyscan3D includes these powerful features:


?    目標點自動定位,無須臂或其他跟蹤設備

Target Self –positioning, without Arm or other tracking equipment to do the 3D scanning.

?    即插即用的系統. 快速安裝及使用.

       Plus-play system, installed and use immediately.

?    自動生成STL三角網格面,STL 格式可快速處理數據

Automatic generate the STL polygon surface and easy for data and surface edition .

?    高分辨率的CCD系統, 2CCD 2個十字激光發射器1個單線激光發射器, 掃描更清晰和.

            Higher resolution CCD system, with 2 CCD camera ,2 cross laser beam and 1 laser line. Can scan very detail and accurately.

?    點云無分層, 自動生成三維實體圖形(三角網格面).

       No point cloud offset, so the data could auto-generated the STL polygon surface.

?    手持任意掃描, 隨身攜帶,只有850

       Handy hold and scanning freely, very portable, the weight is only 850g.

?    7十字交叉激光束1個額外的一束激光掃描速度快,達到48萬次測量/.

       Seven cross laser beam and additional 1 laser beam, scanning speed is very fast. Around 480,000 points/sec.

?    可內,外掃描,無局限.可多臺掃描頭同時工作掃描,所有的數據都在同一個坐標系中

       Can scan the outside and internal surface of the object. Many scanners could work in the same alignment .

?    可控制掃描文件的大小,根據細節需求,組合掃描不同的部位.

The data file is small and controlled. Can scan and display very detail area.

?    非常容易操作(1天即可)

Very easy operate, learn in one day.

  • 聯系人: 歷榮奎 先生
  • 電話: 021-57748020
  • 真: 021-57746796
  • 手機: 13817278661
  • 地址: 上海市 莘磚公路518號32幢502
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