非金屬夾雜物顯微評定 Determination of content of nonmetallic inclusions
非金屬夾雜物顯微評定 Determination of content of nonmetallic inclusions
鐵素體晶粒延伸度測定 Determination of Grain Extension for Ferrite
鋼的低倍組織 Determination of the macrostructure for the steel
鋼的顯微組織評定 Determination of the microstructure for the steel
不銹鋼相含量 Phase content of stainless steel
灰鑄鐵金相 Metallography of grey cast iron
球墨鑄鐵金相Metallography of ductile iron
珠光體球墨鑄鐵零件金相 Metallography of the pearlite spheroidal graphite parts
蠕墨鑄鐵金相 Metallography of the vermicular cast iron
鐵素體可鍛鑄鐵金相 Metallography of cementite ductile cast iron
工具鋼 Tool steel
高錳鋼金相 Metallographical for the high manganese cast steel
硬質(zhì)合金金相 Metallography of hard alloy steel
高碳鉻軸承鋼金相 Metallography of high carbon bearing steel
高溫合金 heat-resisting superalloys
零件金相分析 Metallographic anaysis of parts
鋼的共晶碳化物不均勻度評定 Determination of the eutectic carbide of steel
定量金相測定方法 Quantitative determination method of the metallography
鋁材金相 Aluminium Metallographic analysis
鎂合金金相 Magnesium Metallographic analysis
鈦合金 Titanium Alloy
銅合金 Copper Alloy
焊縫檢驗 Examination of welds
硬化層深度 Thickness of hardened layers
|成分分析 |拉伸試驗 |金相分析 |硬度測試 |鹽霧試驗 |鍍層厚度測試 |無損檢測 |斷口分析