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產品標題:CC-PAIH02 51405038-376模擬輸入模塊

型號: CC-PAIH02 51405038-376



電源輸入8安培8安培***多8安培八安培LED指示燈總線診斷和電壓狀態指示總線診斷和狀態指示電壓狀態指示母線診斷和狀態顯示電壓狀態指示數字LCD顯示是無無無無Web支持網頁SNMP XML數據監測網頁SNMP XML數據監測無無需接線板(1)IC220TBK082(包含10個接線板)(1)IC 220TBK080(包含10條接線板)(1.92 x 4.72 x 2.82英寸)電源端子模塊向主電路(UM)供電。此外,該模塊可用于為分段電路(Us)供電。電源端子IC220PWR001 IC220PWRO 02 IC220PWR 03 IC220PWR101 IC220PWR201產品名稱電源端子24 VDC電源端子帶保險絲24 VDC電源終端帶診斷24 VDC電源接線端120 VAC電源接線端230 VAC生命周期狀態************輸入電壓24 VDC 24 VDC 120 VAC 230 VAC輸入電壓范圍19.2-30 VDC 19.2-30 VDC 19.2-30 VDC 108-135VAC 12-253 VAC電流8安培8安培6.3安培8安培8安段電路過載/短路無保險絲保險絲無浪涌電壓/過電壓是,電壓限制用抑制二極管是,電壓極限用抑制二極管有,電壓限制的抑制二極管有是,VAR 275 VAC是,VAR 275VAC極性反轉是,并聯連接的二極管作為極性反轉保護是,并聯連接的半導體作為極性逆轉保護是,串聯連接的二極管用于極性反轉


Power In 8 Amp maximum 8 Amp maximum 8 Amp maximum 8 Amp maximum LED Indicators Bus diagnostics and status indication of voltage Bus diagnostics and status indication of voltage Bus diagnostics and status indication of voltage Bus diagnostics and status indication of voltage Numeric LCD Display Yes None None None Web Support Web Pages SNMP XML Data Monitoring Web Pages SNMP XML Data Monitoring None None Required Terminal Strip (1) IC220TBK082 (Contains 10 strips) (1) IC220TBK082 (Contains 10 strips) (1) IC220TBK087 (Contains 10 strips) (1) IC220TBK201 (Contains 10 strips) Dimensions (W x H x D) 90mm x 72mm x 116mm (3.543in. x 2.835in. x 4.567in.) 90mm x 72mm x 116mm (3.543in. x 2.835in. x 4.567in.) 91mm x 120mm x 71.5mm (2.874in. x 4.724in. x 2.795in.) 48.8mm x 120mm x 71.5mm (1.92 x 4.72 x 2.82in.) Power Terminal modules supply power to the main circuit (UM). In addition, this module can be used to supply power for a segment circuit (Us). Power Terminals IC220PWR001 IC220PWR002 IC220PWR003 IC220PWR101 IC220PWR201 Product Name Power Terminal 24 VDC Power Terminal Fused 24 VDC Power Terminal Fused with Diagnostics 24 VDC Power Terminal 120 VAC Power Terminal 230 VAC Lifecycle Status Active Active Active Active Input Voltage 24 VDC 24 VDC 24 VDC 120 VAC 230 VAC Input Voltage Range 19.2 - 30 VDC 19.2 - 30 VDC 19.2 - 30 VDC 108 -135 VAC 12 -253 VAC Maximum Current 8 Amps 8 Amps 6.3 Amps 8 Amps 8 Amps Overload/Short Circuit in Segment Circuit No Fuse Fuse No No Surge Voltage/Over Voltage Yes, suppressor diode for voltage limitation Yes, suppressor diode for voltage limitation Yes, suppressor diode for voltage limitation Yes, VAR 275 VAC Yes, VAR 275 VAC Polarity Reversal Yes, diode connected in parallel as protection against polarity reversal Yes, diode connected in parallel as protection against polarity reversal Yes, diode connected in parallel as protection against polarity reversal



IPMON01PR6423/013-030 CON0212713P-T7WD1
IPSYS01PR6423/014-121 CON031315116-A05
KSML92S1450-W-MC1 IEC60945PR6423/015-111 CON041320087-A06
LL02 LL 02PR6423/01R-111 CON031321131-A01
LZ01 LZ 01PR6423/01R-111 CON03151404127-250
LZ02 LZ 02PR6423/10R-010 CON0215370-CVIM
MA01 MA 01PR6424/000-030 CON0216155R-14S2KH
MA03 MA 03PR6424/000-040 CON0216181F-15TSXP
MA12 MA 12PR6424/000-121 CON0416181P-17TPXPH
MAG-XM 50XM2000PR6424/000-121 CON0416186M-15PT
MAI32MADPR6424/004-010 CON02174101-181-51

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