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8C-TAOXB1 模擬量輸出冗余帶涂層

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型號: 8C-TAOXB1



典型精度:滿量程的0.2%;值:滿量程的0.5%:在10伏范圍內為50mV,在5伏范圍內在25mV,在4至20毫安范圍內為100mA。典型:滿量程的0.2%;值:滿量程的0.5%:在10伏范圍內為50mV,在5伏范圍內在25mV,在4至20毫安范圍內為100mA。輸入:滿量程讀數的0.1%輸出:滿量程讀取的0.15%輸入:滿刻度讀取的0.1%輸出;滿量程讀取輸入的0.15%濾波器響應無,8,16,32,64,128,512,1024mS無,8、16,32,開路輸出:欠量程,超量程輸入:欠量程、超量程、高報警、低報警、開路輸出:超量程,超范圍輸入:欠范圍,超量程,高報警,低報警,開路輸出:低范圍,超范圍,反饋錯誤輸入:欠范圍,超量程,反饋誤差尺寸(寬x高x深)8.83英寸(22.44厘米。這些塊支持強大的診斷功能。電阻式溫度檢測器和熱電偶模塊IC660BBA021 IC660BBA101 IC660BBA0 23 IC660BBA 103產品名稱Genius模擬輸入塊,電阻式溫度傳感器,6通道,24/48 VDC供電的Genius模擬輸出塊,電阻溫度檢測器,6通道、115 VAC/125 VDC供電的天才模擬輸入塊、熱電偶、6通道、24/48 VDC電源的天才模擬輸出塊、熱電偶,6通道,115 VAC/125 VDC供電的生命周期狀態成熟成熟成熟成熟的網絡支持Genius Bus Genius Bus


Accuracy Typical: 0.2% of full scale; Maximum: 0.5% of full scale: within 50mV on the 10 volt range, 25mV on the 5 volt range, and 100mA on the 4 to 20 mA range. Typical: 0.2% of full scale; Maximum: 0.5% of full scale: within 50mV on the 10 volt range, 25mV on the 5 volt range, and 100mA on the 4 to 20 mA range. Input: 0.1% of full scale reading Output: 0.15% of full scale reading Input: 0.1% of full scale reading Output: 0.15% of full scale reading Input Filter Response none, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024mS none, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024mS 16.6mS to 400mS (user selectable) 16.6mS to 400mS (user selectable) Diagnostics Input: Underrange, Overrange, High Alarm, Low Alarm, Open Wire Output: Underrange, Overrange Input: Underrange, Overrange, High Alarm, Low Alarm, Open Wire Output: Underrange, Overrange Input: Underrange, Overrange, High Alarm, Low Alarm, Open Wire Output: Underrange, Overrange, Feedback error Input: Underrange, Overrange, High Alarm, Low Alarm, Open Wire, Output: Underrange, Overrange, Feedback error Dimensions (W x H x D) 8.83” (22.44cm) x 3.50” (8.89cm) x 3.94” (10.00cm) 8.83” (22.44cm) x 3.50” (8.89cm) x 3.94” (10.00cm) 8.83” (22.44cm) x 3.50” (8.89cm) x 3.94” (10.00cm) 8.83” (22.44cm) x 3.50” (8.89cm) x 3.94” (10.00cm) Genius Temperature Sensor blocks support a wide range of temperature sensors. The blocks support powerful diagnostics. RTD and Thermocouple Modules IC660BBA021 IC660BBA101 IC660BBA023 IC660BBA103 Product Name Genius Analog Input Block, RTD, 6 Channel, 24/48 VDC Powered Genius Analog Input Block, RTD, 6 Channel, 115 VAC/125 VDC Powered Genius Analog Input Block, Thermocouple, 6 Channel, 24/48 VDC Powered Genius Analog Input Block, Thermocouple, 6 Channel, 115 VAC/125 VDC Powered Lifecycle Status Mature Mature Mature Mature Network Support Genius Bus Genius Bus Genius Bus Genius Bus



AB1747-OCPCM2HOLLEYWELLMU-TAIH02 51304453-100 
AB1747-PICHONEYELLCC-PDIL01 51405040-176
AB1747-SCNRHONEYELLCC-TAIX01 51308363-175
AB1756-A7HONEYWEL8C-PDIL51 51454359-175
AB1756-BA1HONEYWEL8C-PDOD51 51454361-175
AB1756-BA2HONEYWELMU-PLAM02 51304362-100
AB1756-BA2HONEYWELL 51304754-150 MC-PAIH03
AB1756-CN2HONEYWELL05436400 MEASUREX 054364-00

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