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型號: 8C-PDIPA1



串行通信擴展模塊為Genius NIU遠程I/O分接提供Modbus主端口。串行端口可用于與各種Modbus從設備接口,如控制器、VFD、條形碼讀取器、品牌等。數據通過Genius LAN傳輸到NIU和從NIU傳輸,并且與任何支持Genius全局數據的控制器兼容。IC200CMM020產品名稱Modbus主模塊,1個RS-485端口。需要IC200CHS006通信載體。生命周期狀態活動模塊類型Modbus主NIU類型支持的Genius和Profinet從站串行通信模塊數量每個Genius NIU I/O站***多2個每個串行通信模塊的RTU從站數量1至247串行端口類型RS-485。15針超小型“D”連接器。對于RS-232通信,可以使用RS-485到RS-232適配器,如IC690ACC901。適配器IC690ACC901可以在直角電纜下垂的情況下安裝。RS-485支持2線和4線電氣接口,波特率支持1200、2400、4800、9600和19200,以及GENERIC_COMM模塊硬件配置中所需的半雙工或全雙工操作COMMREQ命令內存(%AQ)取決于單個COMMREQ內容。***小值:22個字值:64個字RTU主命令65520,初始化RTU主端口8000,清除RTU主診斷狀態8001,讀取RTU主診斷狀況8002,發送RTU讀取/強制/預設查詢8003,發送RTU診斷查詢功耗值460 mA(5 V輸出),5 mA(+3.3 V輸出)尺寸(W x H x D)110毫米(4.3英寸)x 66.8毫米(2.63英寸)x 50毫米(1.956英寸),不包括托架或配合連接器的高度


The serial communications expansion module provides a Modbus Master port for a Genius NIU remote I/O drop. The serial port can be used to interface with a wide range of Modbus slave devices such as controllers, VFDs, bar code readers, marques and much more. The data is transferred to and from the NIU over the Genius LAN and is compatible with any controller that supports Genius Global Data. IC200CMM020 Product Name Modbus Master Module, 1 RS-485 port. Requires IC200CHS006 Communications Carrier. Lifecycle Status Active Module Type Modbus Master NIU Type Supported Genius and Profinet Slave Number of Serial Communications Modules Up to 2 per Genius NIU I/O Station Number of RTU slaves per Serial Communications Module 1 to 247 Serial Port Type RS-485. 15-pin subminiature ‘D’ connector. For RS-232 communications, an RS-485 to RS-232 adapter such as IC690ACC901 can be used. Adapter IC690ACC901 can be installed with its right-angle cable hanging down.RS-485 supports both 2-wire and 4-wire electrical interfaces Baud Rate Supported 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, and 19200, and half or full duplex operation COMMREQ command memory (%AQ) required in the GENERIC_COMM module hardware configuration Depends on individual COMMREQ content. Minimum: 22 words Maximum: 64 words RTU Master Commands 65520, Initialize RTU Master Port 8000, Clear RTU Master Diag. Status 8001, Read RTU Master Diag. Status 8002, Send RTU Read/Force/Preset Query 8003, Send RTU Diagnostic Query Power Consumption 460 mA maximum from 5 V output, 5 mA from +3.3 V output Dimensions (W x H x D) 110mm (4.3in) x 66.8mm (2.63in) x 50mm (1.956 in), not including the height of the carrier or the mating connectors



YOKOGAWAAAI143-S50 S1EPROPR6423/015-110 CON021
YOKOGAWAAAI543-H00 S1 EPROPR6423/015-111 CON041
YOKOGAWAAAI543-H53 S1 EPROPR6423/018-010 CON021
YOKOGAWAAAI543-S00 S1EPROPR6423/019-040 CON021
YOKOGAWAAAI543-S00 S1EPROPR6423/000-010 CON021
YOKOGAWAAAI543-S50 S1EPROPR6423/100-141 CON041
YOKOGAWAAAI543-S50 S1EPROPR6423/101-101 CON031
YOKOGAWAAAI835-H00 S1EPROPR6423/103-141 CON041
YOKOGAWAAAI835-H03 S1EPROPR6423/105-141 CON041

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