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型號: 8C-TDILA1



遠程I/O單元通過各種網絡將VersaMax I/O模塊連接到主機PLC或計算機,這使得在Genius、Profibus-DP、DeviceNet或以太網安裝中包含VersaMax輸入/輸出變得容易。遠程I/O單元及其模塊共同構成一個I/O站,能夠提供多達256個I/O點。IC200GBI001 IC200PBI001產品名稱Genius網絡接口單元遠程I/O Profibus DP網絡接口單元(從設備)生命周期狀態活動活動協議支持的Genius Profibus DP距離1372到2286米-38.4 Kbaud***多支持16個設備。1067到1372米76.8 Kbaud***多支持32個設備。609到1067米-153。6 Kbaud擴展支持***多32個設備。小于609米153.6 Kbaud標準或153.6 Kbaud擴展***多支持32個設備。9.6K比特-1200米19.2K比特-120米93.75K比特-12000米187.5K比特-600米500K比特-400米1.5M比特-200米3比特;6比特;12Mbits-100米I/O離散點1024輸入和1024輸出375字節。***多244字節的輸入或244字節的輸出I/O模擬字64模擬輸入和64模擬輸出375字節。***多244字節的輸入或244字節的輸出I/O數據每次總線掃描***多128字節輸入和128字節輸出375字節。***多244字節的輸入或244字節的輸出。I/O數據更新率N/A N/A網絡拓撲總線線性總線,兩端終止。短截線是可能的。傳輸介質屏蔽雙絞線光纖(外部選項)屏蔽雙絞線電纜連接器可拆卸連接器9針D子連接器


A Remote I/O Unit connects VersaMax I/O modules to a host PLC or computer via a variety of networks, which makes it easy to include VersaMax I/O in Genius, Profibus-DP, DeviceNet, or Ethernet installations. Together, the Remote I/O Unit and its modules form an I/O station capable of providing up to 256 points of I/O. IC200GBI001 IC200PBI001 Product Name Genius Network Interface Unit Remote I/O Profibus-DP Network Interface Unit (Slave) Lifecycle Status Active Active Protocol Supported Genius Profibus DP Distance 1372 to 2286 meters - 38.4 Kbaud supports a maximum of 16 devices. 1067 to 1372 meters 76.8 Kbaud supports a maximum of 32 devices. 609 to 1067 meters - 153. 6 Kbaud extended supports a maximum of 32 devices. Less than 609 meters 153.6 Kbaud standard or 153.6 Kbaud extended supports a maximum of 32 devices. 9.6Kbits - 1,200 meters 19.2Kbits - 1,200 meters 93.75Kbits - 1,200 meters 187.5Kbits - 600 meters 500Kbits - 400 meters 1.5Mbits - 200 meters 3Mbits; 6Mbits; 12Mbits - 100 meters I/O Discrete Points 1024 Inputs and 1024 Outputs 375 bytes maximum. Up to 244 bytes of inputs or 244 bytes of outputs I/O Analog Words 64 Analog In and 64 Analog Out 375 bytes maximum. Up to 244 bytes of inputs or 244 bytes of outputs I/O Data 128 bytes in and 128 out per bus scan 375 bytes maximum. Up to 244 bytes of inputs or 244 bytes of outputs. I/O Data Update Rate N/A N/A Network Topology Bus Linear bus, terminated at both ends. Stubs are possible. Transmission Media Shielded, twisted pair, fiber optic (external option) Shielded, twisted pair cable Connector Removable Connector 9-pin D-sub connector



CS31 ECZ FPR3700001R0001C7076A10159905-463
ICSI16E1 FPR3316101R1032C7061F2001 5463-785
ICSK20F1 FPR3327101R1202ACX633 51196655-1005463-473
PP836A 3BSE042237R2ACX631 51198947-1005464-414
3BHB004744R0010 XVC517942-M0A-2D-1G1-220S5464-544
NGPS13C  3AUA0000042489942-A4M-2D-K220S5463-581
PP235 3BSC690102R2900H03-01025464-013
DSTD110A  YB161102-AM900G32-00015464-211

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