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您當前的位置: 世鋁網 鋁業設備 表面處理設備 8C-IP0102ProfibusDP網關帶涂層 4


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產品標題:8C-IP0102Profibus DP網關模塊,帶涂層

型號: 8C-IP0102



可以選擇主設置或***設置作為當前使用的設置。主設置和***設置之間的切換可以通過三種不同的方式完成:1)通過串行通信總線上的命令V150 2)通過外部控制信號BS1、BS2或RRES(BS3)3)通過繼電器模塊的按鈕,參見寄存器A的子菜單4。當子菜單4的值為0時,使用主設置,當子菜單1的值為1時,使用



Either the main settings or the second settings can be selected as currently used settings. Switching between the main settings and the second settings can be done in three different ways: 1) By command V150 over the serial communication bus 2) By an external control signal BS1, BS2 or RRES (BS3) 3) Via the push-buttons of the relay module, see submenu 4 of register A. When the value of submenu 4 is 0 the main settings are used and when the value of submenu 4 is 1 the second settings are used

From register 0 it is possible to enter the TEST mode, in which the start and operate signals of the module can be activated one by one. The table below shows the activation order and the corresponding indicator lit when a signal is tested.Indicator Signal activated I> start signal of stage I> t> operate signal of stage I> I>> start and operate signal of stage I>> I>>> start and operate signal of stage I>>> I0> start signal of stage I0>



ABBEL3020EPROPR6423/105-141 CON041
ABBES1530 HESG330187R1 HESG330187R0001EPROPR6423/106-OF1 PR6423/106-0F1
ABBF4332D 3HAC024322-001EPROPR6423/10R-010
ABBFAU810EPROPR6424/000-000 CON21
ABBFDPI-02EPROPR6424/000-010 CON021
ABBFI820F 3BDH000031R1EPROPR6424/000-101 CON031
ABBFPR3471100R1002 CS31 NCC485EPROPR6424/002-031 CON041
ABBGDB020AE HIEE300590R1 HIEE4130372P201EPROPR6424/006-010
ABBGJR2360100R1100 83SR05B-EEPROPR6424/006-030
ABBGJR2370500R2EPROPR6424/010-010-CN CON021
ABBGJV3072403R1EPROPR6424/010-130 CON021
ABBGJV3074353R1EPROPR6424/012-000 CON011
ABBHC800EPROPR6424/012-010 CON011

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