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1:Invensys Foxboro(福克斯波羅):I/A Series系統,FBM(現場輸入/輸出模塊)順序控制、梯形邏輯控制、事故追憶處理、數模轉換、輸入/輸出信號處理、數據通信及處理等。

2:Invensys Triconex: 冗余容錯控制系統、基于三重模件冗余(TMR)結構的現代化的容錯控制器。

3:Westinghouse(西屋): OVATION系統、WDPF系統、WEStation系統備件。

4:Rockwell Allen-Bradley: Reliance瑞恩、SLC500/1747/1746、MicroLogix/1761/1763/1762/1766/1764、CompactLogix/1769/1768、Logix5000/1756/1789/1794/1760/1788、PLC-5/1771/1785等。

5:Schneider Modicon(施耐德莫迪康):Quantum 140系列處理器、控制卡、電源模塊等。

6:ABB:工業機器人備件DSQC系列、Bailey INFI 90等。

7:Siemens(西門子):Siemens MOORE, Siemens Simatic C1,Siemens數控系統等。

8:Motorola(摩托羅拉):MVME 162、MVME 167、MVME1772、MVME177等系列。

9:XYCOM:I/O 、VME板和處理器等。

10:GE FANUC(GE發那科):模塊、卡件、驅動器等各類備件。


12:Bosch Rexroth(博世力士樂):Indramat,I/O模塊,PLC控制器,驅動模塊等。



Sperry Vickers Directional Valve, PA5DG4V3-6C-WLB-10, , WARRANTY

Erickson CAT 50 Taper Floating Collet Chuck Holder, # C-125104, , WARRANTY

NuAire BSCC Fume Hood PC Control Power Board for NU-430-600, , Warranty

Parker D1VW20HY 50 Hydraulic Solenoid Pilot Valve, 5000 PSI, , Warranty

Parker D1VW20HY 40 Hydraulic Solenoid Pilot Valve, 5000 PSI, , Warranty

Oriental Motor Torque Motor, 4TK10CA-A, 100V, , WARRANTY

Sodick / Ricom Tape Reader, PTR-230, W/ 33740101 & 3371 3301 Boards, 

Rexroth / Okuma Hydraulic Valve, 4WE6E51/AG24NK4V-S0-43A-813, , WARRANTY

Robicon PC Circuit Board, # 461544.01, (READ DESCRIPTION) , WARRANTY

Norgren Pneumatic Cylinder G & L Double Ended Wer Clamp, SC51A090RS12, WARRANTY

Norgren Pneumatic Cylinder G & L Single Ended Wer Clamp, SC51A090RS12, WARRANTY

Fanuc PC Board A16B-0190-0080, * * SAID TO BE BAD!! * *

NEW DME Straight Leader Pin, 3" x 18-3/4", # 6032GL, WARRANTY

Standard Electric AC Motor, # 5669, 1/4 Hp, 220-440 V, FR# 56, , WARRANTY

Bimba TE-094-M Stainless Linear Actuator w/ Cylinder and Limit Stops, 

NEW Mercoid Pressure Control Switch, PR-2, 115/230V, OLD STOCK, Warranty

GE Fanuc Emergency Stop Top Board, # A16B-1212-0910 / 01A, , WARRANTY

Vickers Pressure Control Valve, BLG-02-B-20-S3, 10-70 kg/cm2 Range, 

Keyence Pressure Sensor Transducer, Mod# AP-81A, , Warranty

Fanuc Cabinet Fan Unit, A02B-0047-C904, Single Fan, 230V, , Warranty

Sumitomo Eaton Hydraulic Orbit Motor, H-100BC2M2-G, , WARRANTY

Parlec CAT 50 1-1/2" Shell Mill Holder, C50-15SM2, (2) , Warranty

Mitsui DC Interface Board, 5W PC Board, w/ 16 - MP05 0.5A Fuses, , WARRANTY

Allen Bradley 8520-MOP7 Series 9 Mono Operator Panel, P/N 160605, AS IS

Nachi Solenoid Operated Directional Control Valve, SLD-G01-C6-C1-10, 110V, 

NEW IN BOX Keyence Proximity Switch, ET-110, NIB, WARRANTY

Square D Electrical Panel Disconnect Class, 9422, Type TC-3, , WARRANTY

Vickers Tokimec Directional Control Valve DG4SM-3-33C-P7-H-PC1-50 , WARRANTY

Mitsubishi Keypad, KS-OK-3A, FP5-MD3, Off Mitsubishi Controller, , Warranty

Parker Flow Control Valve, FM2DDN 50, , WARRANTY

Sunx LTD Beam Sensor, RS-720H-3SC, , Warranty

Danfoss Refrigeration Controller, Type KT, KT 059B0125, 250 V, , WARRANTY

Parker Hydraulic Valve, D1VW1D56Y, 59, 5000 PSI, 120 V, , Warranty

Mitsubishi KS-OK3A Control Panel Keypad, FP5-MD4, Off Mitsubishi, 

Numatics Air Cylinder, # S2AP-07A1E-CAA2, , WARRANTY

Starrag-Rigid CNC Control Circuit Board, # 1832953RP,  , WARRANTY

Starrag-Rigid CNC Control Circuit Board, # 1832953,  , WARRANTY

Starrag-Rigid CNC Control Circuit Board, # 191249AP,  , WARRANTY

Starrag-Rigid CNC Control Circuit Board, # 183954DP,  , WARRANTY

Sperry Vickers Directional Valve, PA5DG4V 3 2C WLB 12, , WARRANTY

PC Board, FHF C 40-1081-01.02 BS, , WARRANTY

New NTN Super Precision Roller Bearing, 7005UDB/GNP4, Warranty

SMC Pneumatic Cylinder, CLAFN63-750-D With CLA63-D, , WARRANTY

Fanuc PC Circuit Board, A16B-2203-0190 / 03A w/ 2 - S-S Tech 490-1081 Boards

Fanuc PC Circuit Board, A16B-2203-0190 / 03A w/ 2 - S-S Tech 490-1272 Boards

Festo Solenoid Valve MFH-5/3E-D-2C, w/ Festo MSFG-24/42-50/60 Solenoid, 

NEC PC Board, 163-268618, LVM2 163-238700, , WARRANTY

Square D Reversing Contactor, 8702SAO4S / 8702 SAO 4S, 120V Coil, , WARRANTY

Numatics Pneumatic Solenoid Valve, TF-585093-1, S2AK-07A1B-BAA2, , WARRANTY

NOB Elektronik AB Temp PC Board, Typ 200 514, TALENT AB, MK402531, 

Giddings & Lewis I/O Module, # 502-03842-00R0, , WARRANTY

SecoTL.# GP4200623 CARBOLOY

Square D Starter, 8536-SCT0 3, Class 8536, Type SCT0 3 / SCTO 3 120V Coil, 

Edmunds External Control Module, E8204, , Warranty

Mitsubishi Meldas PC Board TCUA-01-DWC, BY171A318G54, , Warranty

Siemens Circuit Board, C98043-A1177-L23-03, C98040-A1177-P1-2-86, , Warranty

NEW MAC Solenoid Valve, # 55B-12-PE-501JC, WARRANTY

Miller Thermal Inc. Anode for SG-100 Plasma Gun, # 2083-720 WARRANTY

Sundstrand SWINC EM-G2 Circuit Board, # 65000487, , WARRANTY

MAHO / SIEMENS PC Board, 6ES5 400-0AA11, Simatic S5-010, , WARRANTY

Toyoda Input I/F PC Board, TAP3000-I / TAP3000-1, off Toyoda CNC Machine, 

Mori Seiki Circuit Board, E76001A 02, A829303A DET, , 60 Day Warranty

Toyoda FHIN-F PC Board, TP-8900-0, off Toyoda CNC Machine, , Warranty

Answer PC Board, A.00104700, 0-001-0470-0, 631-1051-3, , Warranty

CNC Lathe 3/4" KC Tool Holder, Type# 51.4020, , Warranty

Nachi PC Board, UM127, , WARRANTY

NEW Fanuc R-30iA / R-30iA Mate iRVision Manual, Japanese, B-82774JA/04

Toyoda Output I/F PC Board, TAP3000 / TAP3000, off Toyoda CNC Machine, 

Matsushita JH1AS-DC24V Relay, AR59055, 30A, 250 VAC, , WARRANTY

SMC Pneumatic Guided Cylinder, 30mm Stroke, 25mm Bore, EMXS25-30, 

Kennametal Carbide Insert Boring Bar, 1" x 8-1/4", BL-1108, , Warranty

Fujitsu Keyboard Circuit Board, N860-3130-T001 05A, A86L-0001-0142/A, WARRANTY

NEW Dodge Take-Up Pillow Block Bearing, # WSTUSC45M, WARRANTY

VersaLogic VL-1262 4-Channel 12-Bit Analog Output, Rev 2, , WARRANTY

Numatics Linear Actuator w/ Cylinder, SJ 555106-1, 1500001-07A-10, , WARRANT

Numatics Linear Actuator w/ Cylinder, SJ 555106-2, 1500001-06A-10, 

NEW Fanuc R-30iA / R-30iA Mate iRVision Manual, Japanese, B-82774JA-3/04

Mitsubishi CNC PC Board, # BN624A800G52, MC611B, Revision G, WARRANTY

Oriental Motor Induction Motor, 5IK90GS-A2FUL, w/ Gearhead, 100V, , WARRANTY

Toyoda FHOUT-F PC Board, TP-8901-1, off Toyoda CNC Machine, , Warranty

Boston Reducer Ratio Motor, # 226D-20, , Warranty

Rexroth Bosch Pneumatic Cylinder, 0 822 344 003, 80 / 80, , WARRANTY

Kitamura MyCenter 1 Circuit Board, Kitamura 401B, , WARRANTY

NEW Murata Machinery Chuck Housing, # MC88101161, WARRANTY

3 - New Kunshan Fire-Phoenix Pressure Switch and Cable, 309252 10045, Warranty

Industrial Solid State ON/Off Timer, 1061-1EE2C, Type Rep. Cyc., , WARRANTY

2 - NB 5/8" Bearing Bushing Blocks w/ 21" Rails, P/N TWD-10UU, , WARRANTY

Klockner Moeller / Sucos Control 8 Slot Rack Chasis, PS 316.208-1, 

Rexroth Bosch Pneumatic Cylinder, 0 822 345 002, 100 / 50, , WARRANTY

Okuma OPUS 5000 CTS Synchronizer Board, E4809-045-085, , WARRANTY

Yaskawa PC Board DF6312395, REV D, , WARRANTY

DIJET SCD-10-040-AML, S-CUT DRILL, 0.406" DIA. 4-1/2" OAL, Coolant Thru, NIB

Vickers Tokimec Directional Control Valve DG4V-3-2N-M-PZ-H-7-50-JA20, 

Minebea Brake Unit, NFHO.1-003C / NFH0.1-003C, 90 VDC, Off Mazak CNC Lathe, 

General Electric 1.5 HP AC Motor, 5K184BG617, 1145 RPM, FR 184, , Warranty

New SMC Pneumatic Cylinder, CDM2F32-50+60-B53L3-XC, W/ 2 - D-B53 Sensors, NNB

Square D Weld Control Data Entry Panel, 8997 EQ5100-DEP-1 , Ser. E, Warranty

Okuma CNC Systems Alarm & Error List Manual, LE37-005, 

Fuji Seiki Vacuum Solenoid Valve, ELV-2F105, 100V Solenoid, , WARRANTY

Yaskawa / Motoman Robot Analog Output Board, JANCD-EW02, Rev C0, DF8202426/ C0

NEW OLD STOCK SMC Pneumatic Guided Cylinder, MGQL32-25, NNB, WARRANTY

Pilz PNOZ E1P Safety Relay, ID# 774130 24VDC 2n/o, , Warranty

Gould Modicon Memory PCB Board, # PCB C521-100, Rev. A, 

Sever 1/2 HP AC Motor, # 1ZK71B2, , WARRANTY

Mitsubishi PC Board, MC616 / MC616B, BN624A990G51, Revision B

Allen Bradley AC Contactor, 500L-BOH93, Series B, 30A, , Warranty


New Fuji Electric Monitouch Protect Sheets, 4in Box, V812-GS, Warranty

Hardinge Tool Holder, CC-15, , WARRANTY

Square D Reversing Contactor, 8536-BAO-2J, 8536BAO2J, , WARRANTY

Okuma CNC Systems Operation Manual, OSP7000L, OSP700L, 3811-E, 

STI 42" MiniSafe MS4400 Series MS4440R, , WARRANTY

Fanuc PC Daughter Board, A20B-2901-0370 / 04B, A20B29010370 04B, 

Siemens / Cincinnati PWM Module for Siemens Drive, 3-531-4647A, , Warranty

Fanuc PC Board, A16B-3200-0056 / 03A , AS IS

Mitsubishi Keyboard Module Board, # KS-YZ-14A, , WARRANTY

Parker Pressure Reducing Manapak Subplate Sandwich Module, PRDM2BB06KVS, 

Parker Flow Control Valve, FM2DDN 55, , WARRANTY

STI 40" Mini Safe-B T Light Curtain, Series MS4440B, , WARRANTY

Nachi PC Board, UM235, Off of Nachi AX Robot Controller , WARRANTY

Sick Master Module, UE410-MU3T50, , WARRANTY

Okuma Chuck & Spindle Control Panel, E5409-183-217, , WARRANTY

Gould Modicon PCB Board, PCB-S212-200, REV A, , WARRANTY

NEW SMC VXA3244V-02T-B, VX3 3-Way Media Valve, NNB, OLD STOCK

Parker Pressure Reducing Manapak Subplate Sandwich Module, PRDM2PP06KVS, 

Parker Pressure Reducing Manapak Subplate Sandwich Module, PRDM2PP16KVS, 

Parker Pressure Reducing Manapak Subplate Sandwich Module, PRDM2AA21KVS, 

NEW Dwyer Series 3000 Photohelic Pressure Switch / Gauge, A3003-RMR, WARRANTY

Nachi Wet Type Solenoid Operated Valve, SS-G01-A3X-GR-C1-20, 110V , Warranty

Kennametal HSK63A Shank Tool, 1.500 Shell Mill Holder, HSK63ASM150225, 

Yaskawa Board, # JANCD-G1002, DF7000063, Revision C, WARRANTY

Premier Tooling Systems Fine Boring Tool, PRO-3934, May 2011, , WARRANTY

Lube Corp Lube-Matic Automatic Lubricator, Mod# UNKNOWN, 100V, , WARRANTY

NOP Lubricator ML-B-3, w/ Trodyne Motor # EM-FZ1, , WARRANTY

Fujitsu Keyboard Keyboard PC Board, N860-3482-T020-07A, , WARRANTY

Nachi Solenoid Operated Valve, SL-G01-C6-R-C1-11, 110V Solenoid, MAY NEED 1 NEW

Oak Circuit Board Card 801420-23A W/ 8 Slot Rack, 80142023A 280, 

Indramat Sercos Interface Module, # APRB02-02-FW, DAS 2-04/04, , WARRANTY

Charmilles Technologies Power PC Board, 855 1800 E, , WARRANTY

Sanyo Denki Co. Pick Up Unit, RT-X-11, BKO-NC.6062, P/N 101-7502-11, 

Telemecanique Safety Relay, XPS-BF, XPSBF1132, 24V, , Warranty

SMC Manifold Body w/ Valves, 3 - VQZ2450-5L, 2 - VQZ2150-SL, , Warranty

Allen Bradley 8520-MTB, Operator Panel, P/N 156444, Parts Only

Sumitomo Eaton Hydraulic Orbit Motor, H-070BA4FM-J, , WARRANTY

Valenite SRN-340-4R12-150F 3.4'' Dia. Neg Rake Indexable Milling Cutter, 

Square D Weld Control Box, 8997 30601-592-73, Form F, Ser. A, , WARRANTY

Landis, Digital Equipment, PC Board, Three Timers K303B, , WARRANTY

Landis Digital Equipment, PC Board, A86519, , WARRANTY

SMC Pneumatic Air Slide Bearing Cylinder, MGPL32-75, 1.0MPa, , Warranty

NEW Kyocera 3" Display C-51847NFJ-SLW-ADN, NNB

JET Technologies PCB Circuit Board, # 1222-503, Rev B, , Warranty

Square D Reversing Contactor, CA0-4J, 8810, Ser. A, Form Y30, , WARRANTY

Incon CNC Tracer Control Circuit Board 90001-013000, , WARRANTY

Landis Tool Mass Memory Module Storage Board, A138021, , Warranty

NEW Pauli Systems Pop-Up Assembly, 6" Stem, # 175-00, Warranty

Tamagawa Pickup Unit / Encoder RT-5XB-11, BKO-NC6062A, Mazak VQC-15/40, 

Tajima Motor Control Circuit Board, 32010201B, , WARRANTY

3 - Keyence PJ-V21R Safety Light Curtain Receiver Extension Units & PJ-V20R

Siemens Circuit Board, # C98043-A1176-L1-02, C98043-A1176-P1-2-06, WARRANTY

Computer Products Relay Output Card, 021-5232-000B, 140-5401-000C,  WARRANTY

STI 40" Mini Safe-B R Light Curtain, Series MS4440B, , Warranty

Computer Products Inc. Control PC Board, 140-0148-G00, 021-0060 004U, 

Lathe Tool Holder E2 Boring Bar Holder E2 40X1 1/2" , WARRANTY

Fanuc Power Adapter PC Board, A16B-1211-0630 / 01A, , WARRANTY

Siemens 6FX1126-0BL00 Memory Module, 570 260 9011.00, , WARRANTY

Tamagawa Pickup Unit / Encoder, BKO-NC6062, Mazak VQC-20/40, 

Incon Circuit Control Board, # 90001-003000, Revision C, WARRANTY

Daytronic Limit Relay Option Board Assembly, 3300S/002, WARRANTY

Daikin Solenoid Controlled Valve, KSO-G02-4CA-20-N / KS0-G02-4CA-20-N, 100V 

Koshin-Racine ME3P-01-A-30B1 Reducing Modular Valve, , Warranty

Festo Solenoid Valve, MDH-5/2-D-1-FR-S-C-A-SA, 24 VDC Solenoid, , WARRANTY

Charmilles Technologies PC Board, 852473 E/S V2, 813187D, , WARRANTY

Rexroth Directional Control Valve, 4WE 6 D62/OFEG24N9K4, 24 VDC, , Warranty

Kawasaki Robotics Backplane PC Board, 1HZ-50, TPB-S.V0, , Warranty

Safag AG CH-2500 Biel 1/8 HP Motor & Pump, 480V, # NFV964, , WARRANTY

Fisher & Paykel 32 Pt. Digital Output Module, # 30442, PSC-3, , WARRANTY

Gould Modicon PCB Board, # PCB S202, Rev. B, , WARRANTY

Mitsubishi Keyboard Okuma 5VA, HC47302M, HC74202M, JX331B231C, 

Indramat Sercos Interface Module, # APRB02-02-FW, DAS 2-03/04-FW, , Warranty

Indramat Sercos Interface Module, # APRB02-02, DAS 2-03/04, , WARRANTY

Indramat Sercos Interface Module, # APRB02-02, DAS 2-05/04, , WARRANTY

Dynamatic Control Interface, # 15-1076-103, NO BOARD, , WARRANTY

Mazak Control PC Board 69479H, Mazak S-315, S-31569479H, , WARRANTY

Patlite Tower Lights, KJS-210, 8 Watt, , Warranty

NEW Nachi Precision Roller Bearing, 80TAA06 DF / GMP4, WARRANTY

Sumitomo Eaton Hydraulic Orbit Motor, H-070BA2FM-G, , WARRANTY

Gould Modicon Memory PCB Board, # PCB C521-100, Rev. A, , Warranty

Ogura Clutch Co. LTD., Brake Unit, Model# SNB 0.2K-17, 90 VDC, , Warranty

Hyper-Loop PC Board, 162-1301-004, Rev. A, , WARRANTY

Identification Devices PC Board Assy# 710.0056.08 L, 660-0043-00, , WARRANTY

Digital Equipment PC Board, # A-86519, , Warranty

(No Brand) Control Board, # 1578-0107, , Warranty

Siemens Circuit Board C98043-A1177-L C98040-A1177-P1-3, , Warranty

Okuma Drive Units Motion Control System (MCS) Maintenance Manual, 4184-E, 

Okuma CNC System Special Function Manual, LE32-110, 

Allen Bradley Circuit Board, # 74102-307-51, Rev 08, , WARRANTY

Square D Reversing Contactor, 8536-BAO-2J, , WARRANTY

Parker D1VW 20 HY 31 DK, Hydraulic Directional Control Valve, 

Hurco Max 3 Console Pushbuttonn PCB Circuit Board, 415-0190-004, , Warranty

Allen Bradley Slot Rack Base Board, 962602, , WARRANTY

Toyooki Kogyo HW-02100 Hydraulic Pressure Switch Valve, 12-24 VDC,  WARRANTY

Fanuc / Matsunaga MT-105-H, Speed Control Unit, Fanuc Wire EDM, , WARRANTY

NEW SKF Super Precision Ball Bearing, # 71906 CD/P4ADGA, WARRANTY

General Electric 44A398711-G02, 44B399292-001, Circuit Board, , WARRANTY

AEG Power Block Transistor, TD 56 N 800 KOC IGT2, , WARRANTY

Okuma OPUS 5000 II SPC5 Board, # E4809-045-133-C, , Warranty

INDRAMAT Serial Interface PLC Rack RECO-G.06/01-FW & FWA-RECO 003-16VRS-NN

Rexroth Directional Control Valve, 4WE 6 D52/OFAG24NZ, 24 VDC, , Warranty

Mitsubishi GM-H Geared Motor, 0.1 kw, 3 Ph, 200-220 V, 7.5 Output RPM, 

Hurco / McLean Electronic Cabinet Heat Exchanger, # HX-2616-102, 115 V, 

Waldmann Machine Light Fixture, # HGWK 75, 100VAC, 75W, , Warranty

Sumtak Index Pulser Unit, # IP-108S77, 24 VDC, 

Gould Modicon Memory Board, # AS-521P-008, , WARRANTY

Toshiba Fiber Optic Cable, 83", TOCP 200, , Warranty

NEW GE Fanuc IC600-BF830L IC600BF830L I/O Receiver Module, Series 6, Warranty

Numatics Linear Actuator w/ Damaged Cylinder, SJ 555106-1, 1.5" Bore, 7" Str

Square D Programmable Controller Board, 30618-079-50B1, , WARRANTY

New SMC Soft Nylon Tubing, # TS 0425B-100, Warranty

Valenite CAT 50 Taper # 1 Rigid Tap Driver, # TAP-18T-51-50CATC, WARRANTY

General Inspection Inc. PC Board, 062492 UEA / # 108P001A, , WARRANTY

Lube Corp Automatic Lubricator, 110V, Tank: 6" x 4" x 5-1/2", 

ABB ASEA BROWN Boveri Backplane Connector Board, DSQC 108, YB161102-AN/1, 

Doerr AC Pump Motor, # PR69825EC743, , WARRANTY

Vogel Control Board, 9200-130-000, , WARRANTY

Hydro-Line Cylinder, LR5FD-1.5X3-N-.63-4-N-N-N-1-1, J061, , WARRANTY

Toyo-Oki Single Stage Flow Control Valve, # HFDI-KG8K-IM-03, Warranty

Glentek Amplifier Drive Module, # GA377-1, S/N 3863, "AS IS"

Digitran Hurco Control PC Board, # SEM-1014, , Warranty

Fanuc Servo Cooling Unit, A05B-2350-C903, , Warranty

Fanuc PC Control Board, # A20B-0008-0461 / 04A, , WARRANTY

Okuma / Sanyo Rectifier Unit E-0451-292-025, , WARRANTY

Fanuc PC Daughter Board, A20B-2901-0660 / 07A, , Warranty

Fuji Electric Circuit Board, # Fi-DST-1CN, , Warranty

Fanuc Power Input Unit, # A14B-0070-B105 / A14B-0070-B105-01, , WARRANTY

Printed Circuit Board, M/2033/0991/02, KCC8944, , WARRANTY

Leukhardt BK Mikro Linear B Multi Tool Relay, LIN, , WARRANTY

Samsomatic Multi-Function Memory Board, # PWA 27-1035, , WARRANTY


Fanuc IC File (ECC) PC Board, A16B-2203-0240 / 02A, , Warranty

Komet Modular Carbide Insert Boring Bar, FK 1-UJ 12-R, , Warranty

Continental Hydraulics Directional Valve VS5M-1A-GB-60L-J, 115V, , WARRANTY

Continental Hydraulics Directional Valve VS5M-2A-GMBT-68L-K, 120V, 

Modicon 3 Position Servo Base, 110-131, 2 fans, 115 VAC, , WARRANTY

Gould Modicon PCB Board, # S501-000, Rev. B, , Warranty

New ASCO Red Hat 2 Way Solenoid Valve, # JS8210C93, Warranty

Dolan Jenner Safescan 9B Transmitter Receiver Safety Light Curtain Bar Set 36"

Square D Weld Control Panel, 8997 EQ5100-DEP 1, Series Unknown, , WARRANTY

Square D Weld Control Panel, 8997 EQ5100-DEP-1, Ser. E, Form Y-1, , WARRANTY

Showa Automatic Lubrication System, # YMAS-6, Part# 15, 220V W/ LF01 Filter 

Charmilles Pulse Width DC Drive PC Board, 003259-60 / 03259-001, Rev D

Spectra Physics Output P.W.A. Board, # 820-2110-2, , WARRANTY

Mitsubishi Keyboard Control Board, KS-YZ-14B, , Warranty

Eagle Signal HP701A6, 120 V, 60Hz, 60 Sec., Model: 4L68, , WARRANTY

FANUC PC Daughter Board, A20B-2900-0120 / 02A, A20B29000120 02A, 

Kitamura Machinery I/O Control PC Board, 3-E99157B, 

Fanuc Graphic PC Board, A20B-1000-0990 / 04A, , WARRANTY

OKUMA OSP3000 PC1666-C E/C I/O Isolation Board, E4809-045-010-C, , Warranty

Daikin Kogyo Reducing Valve MG-02P-03-30-T-08, , WARRANTY

Fanuc Circuit Board, A16B-1212-0370/01A, , Warranty

Nachi Solenoid Operated Directional Control Valve, SA-G01-C5-D2-8380A, 

Fanuc PC Board, # A20B-2900-0291 / 02A, , Warranty

Fanuc PC Board, # A20B-2900-0291 / 05B, , Warranty

Fanuc PC Board A20B-2902-02, , WARRANTY

Bridgeport Controls RCK A026865 Board, , WARRANTY

Mori Seiki CL-05 CNC Turning Center PC Board, E76001A 02, , Warranty

Seagate 3.5" IDE Hard Drive, ST3630A, 631.1MB, 958004-301, , Warranty

Daikin Kogyo Reducing Valve, Mod# MG-02P-03-20, , Warranty

Mazak Mitsubishi PC Board, # BN624A320H02, FX73B, , WARRANTY

Murr Elektronik 8 Way Distribution Box, 27867, , WARRANTY

Tamagawa Optical Shaft Encoder, RFH1024-22-IM-68B, , WARRANTY

Nippon Gerotor Orbmark Motor, ORB-H-050-2PM, , WARRANTY


Komet Coolant Thru Extension Holder, # FL.45232, , WARRANTY

Monarch-Cortland Special I/O Board, # E49558, , WARRANTY

Honeywell XP502 Power Supply PLC Module, XP 502, , WARRANTY

Sanyo Denki Tape Reader Unit, # D5-1-40131, , WARRANTY

PC Board, # 1021666, , WARRANTY

Toyoda Display PC Board, DIS5, 27256, TP-2375-2, , WARRANTY

Gould Modicon Power Supply Module, # AS-P933-000, 

Parker Hydraulic Valve, D1VW20B5Y, 5000 PSI, 120 V, , Warranty

Nachi Solenoid Operated Valve, SL-G01-C6-R-E1-31, , WARRANTY

Fanuc Order-Made Macro Module, A02B-0091-J551 #0A32, , Warranty

NEW Speedtronics 1/30 HP Gearmotor, Part# SPEGLM-12-120-S25XMPP, WARRANTY

Nachi Solenoid Operated Valve, SL-G01-C6-GR-C1-11, 110V, , 120 Day Guarantee

Numatics FlexiBlok W/ Numatics Regulators 081RS100J016W00, , WARRANTY

Daikin Solenoid Controlled Valve, KSO-G02-2DA-20-N, 100V, , WARRANTY

Parker Pilot Valve, D1VW4C540Y50, .43 - .50 Amp, , WARRANTY

Mazak MPS-520 PC Board, I-829038, , WARRANTY

Kennametal A20 CTFPL3 Through Coolant Boring Bar, 1-1/4" x 7", , Waraanty

Dayton AC Induction Motor, 9N095, 1/3 HP, LR2468, , WARRANTY

Nachi Solenoid Operated Directional Control Valve, SA-G01-A3X-C1-30, 

PHD Actuator Unit, RLS1 40 X 90-AB-BB-E, , WARRANTY

Fanuc PC Daughter Board, A20B-2900-0790/02A, , Warranty

Parker Short Stroke Thruster, P5T-J040DHSE050, 145 PSi, , WARRANTY

Daikin Kogyo Reducing Valve, Mod# MG-02B-03-50-PGT, , Warranty

NEW EVR Plasto-Valve Sleeve, # PGR-R, 3 Jaco Type RT, VS7030501, WARRANTY

NEW MAC Solenoid Valve, PR92C-AACA, Warranty

Balluff BFB0008 Fiber Optic Amplifier Unit, BFB 75K-003-P-02, , Warranty

NEW Fanuc R-30iA / R-30iA Mate EtherNet / IP Manual, Japanese, B-82854JA/01

NEW Fanuc R-30iA / R-30iA Mate EtherNet / IP Manual, Japanese, B-82854JA/02

Mitsubishi PC Board, # FX25A, BN624A189H01, , WARRANTY

Sprig Expanded I/O S.S. Switches, MB2476, , Warranty

DIJET SCD-10-0375-AML, S-CUT DRILL, 0.375" DIA. 4-1/2" OAL, Coolant Thru, NIB

Fanuc PC Board, # A20B-1003-0140-01A, FOR PARTS / NOT WORKING

Square D Lighting Contactor, Class 8903, Type SP01, 60 Amp, , WARRANTY

Baldor 1/4 HP Motor, KM3454 w/ Gearbox, , WARRANTY

Nachi Fujikoshi Solenoid Operated Directional Valve, SA-G01-A3X-D2-8380A, 

Sprecher + Schuh Contactor, CA7-37C-00, 24VDC Coil, 50 Amp, 600V, , WARRANTY

Giddings & Lewis MPX Diode Board, # 501 03025 50, , WARRANTY

Parker Hydraulic Valve, D1VW20BNJCL5630 75, 3000 psi, 24V, , Warranty

Sumitomo 1 HP Motor, TC-F, Frame# E-90L, 1720 RPM, 220V, , WARRANTY

Weldotron Safe-T-Lite Model 8222D Projector, , WARRANTY

NEW Modicon 4 Pin Power Cable, 120-148-25, Rev. A1, 25', WARRANTY

Daikin Solenoid Controlled Valve, KSO-G02-2BA-10-N, , WARRANTY

Showa Lubrication System, 220 V, MLA-03W, Dis Vol. 0.30 l/min, , Warranty

K & T / Gemini D Feedback Subsystem Board, # 1-21276 02, , WARRANTY

Sodick FS-A5C CNC EDM PC Board, Mark VII Controller, RLD-002C, , Warranty

Sodick FS-A5C CNC EDM PC Board, Mark VII Controller, RLD-001C-1, 

Ricoh Denshi Tape Reader Unit, # PTR-240R, PTR-240-11, , WARRANTY

Schneider Telemecanique Automation Short Rack/Chasis, # TSXRKN52, TSX B47/67/87

NEW SMC Pneumatic Cylinder, CG1LN32-420, NNB, WARRANTY

ABB / ASEA PC Board, 3BSC980002R336, , WARRANTY

SMC CDRQB 20 Rotary Actuator Module, CDRQB20-01-318-J79L, , WARRANTY

Electronic Control Display Board, # 3380A, , WARRANTY

Scientific Columbus Halltiplier Transducer, # WT5C5-A4-7, , WARRANTY

Square D Starter, Class 1502, Type# SE0-2 / SEO-2, Ser. A, 120V Coil, 

Siemens Circuit Board, # 6FX1122-1AA01, , Warranty

Vickers Hydraulic Valve, DG4V-3-2C-M-W-B-40, , WARRANTY

Wilkerson Regulator B28-03-FL00 , . WARRANTY

General Electric 44A399777-G01 PC Board, AGA1, 44B294101-001, , WARRANTY

Fisher & Paykel 32 Pt. Digital Input Module, # 30355, PSC-3, , WARRANTY

Mitsubishi Electric M2-D Circiuit Board, # 090E8084101, , WARRANTY

Mitsubishi M21F / M2-I/F Circiuit Board, # 090E8084001, , WARRANTY

Allen Bradley Processor Interface Module, # 1772-LF, , Warranty

Backplane Board, BP-3S, Ver. B, , WARRANTY

Comtrol 3000177, Serial Hub, Rocketport, 2 Port, , Warranty

SMC Solenoid Valve, Type# VQ7-6-FJG-D-3Z, , WARRANTY

STI Optosafe Light Curtain Transmitter, P4130B-2, 30", , WARRANTY

STI Optosafe Light Curtain Receiver, P4130B-2, 30", , WARRANTY

Mitsubishi Indexer Circuit Board, # XA8A, BN624A071A, , WARRANTY

Hurco / Autocon Connector Board, 415-0609-901, , Warranty

NEW Parker Hydraulic Hose Fittings, 13943-20-20, Female, Hose 1 1/4", WARRANTY

Sperry Vickers / Lucifer 332F02 S Coil & Valve, 220 V Coil, , WARRANTY

Sperry Vickers / Lucifer 331F02 Coil & Valve, 220 V Coil, , WARRANTY

Sperry Vickers / Lucifer 121F44 Coil & Valve, 220 V Coil, , WARRANTY

NEW Grit Soap Dispenser, # 1310, WARRANTY

Wieland Bamberg 99.816.5257.0, 16 Slot Relay Module, , WARRANTY

HPI Pioneer CAT 50 POWER MILLING Chuck, CT50-HMC1.1/4-90 , Warranty

Toledo Printer Interface Board # A12280700A, , WARRANTY

Telemecanique Contactor, LP1 D65 11, , WARRANTY

Indramat PLC Rack, RECO-G.06/01-FW, 8 Slot Rack, , Warranty

Nobur Cogsdill Tool JA Recessing Deburring Head, 1-1/4" Threaded Arbor, WARRANTY

Numatics Solenoid Valves 122BA400M000061 & Manifold Body , WARRANTY

Elco Power Supply, # J100-5-XSDC, , WARRANTY

Furnas Size 00 Motor Starter, 14BF32AA81A, , Warranty

Ingersoll Rand Micro Tas Plus Module, # 99340382, S/W 79901-R03, , WARRANTY

Festo HEM-M3-G3/4-10024 Pneumatic Solenoid Valve w/ MSN1G-24V, , WARRANTY

Vickers Modular Valve, DGMX2 3 PP BW B 40 EN15, , WARRANTY

GE General Electric Overload Relay, # CR7G4TD, WARRANTY

Numatics Valve Assembly, Mod# L22BB452B017G, w/ 24VDC Solenoids, , Warranty

Fanuc Robotics PC Board A16B-3200-0040 / 06D, No Daughter Boards, , WARRANTY

Fanuc Robotics PC Board A16B-3200-0040 / 03C, No Daughter Boards, , WARRANTY

Fuji Electric Circuit Board, # CDPA0AAC-11, , WARRANTY

Mitsubishi Board MC431D, BN634A245G61A, MC431, , WARRANTY

Yasnac / Yaskawa Circuit Board, # JANCD-I002, DF8100285, , Warranty

Okuma TransistorOutput 4B Card PC Board, E0241-653-031B, , WARRANTY

Yaskawa SMEM2 CPU Board, JANCD-FC191-1, DF9200847-B0, Rev B0, , WARRANTY

Makino PC Board, T1M01-01, , WARRANTY

Mazak / Mitsubishi Brake Unit off Mazak VMC, NJ-1.2-205, , WARRANTY

Keyence Laser Sensor Head, GV-H130, , WARRANTY

Mitsubishi /Melsec BD625A955G51 A Base Unit Board, , Warranty

Fanuc PC Daughter Board, # A20B-2900-0293 / 03B, , WARRANTY

Mitsubishi Numerical Control Rack / Chassis, FCA M520MR, QX041A, C1N634A451G52


Fanuc Robotics PC Board A16B-3200-0040 / 05D, No Daughter Boards, , Warranty

Fanuc PC Circuit Board, # A16B-2200-021, , WARRANTY

Fanuc Dram Daughter Board Module, # A20B-2901-0765 / 02A, , Warranty

Gardner Denver Pneumatic Pulse Nutsetter, 15RDF250, , WARRANTY

K & T / Gemini D CPU Control Assy Board, # 1-20604, , WARRANTY

Okuma Opus 5000 ECP Card2, # E4809-032-470-B, , WARRANTY

AEG Modicon Programmable Controller, PC-0984-480, AS-9508-000, , WARRANTY

Rexroth Hydronorma Valve, 4WE 6 D51/OFAG24NZ4, 24 VDC, , WARRANTY

Trudex KT0-0938-00 Tool Holder off Okuma LT25 CNC Center, Mfg'd: 1998

Allen Bradley Guardmaster BS5304 Atlas 3 Locking Safety Switch, , Warranty

Allen Bradley 1000-NX163 Ser A Reversing Motor Starter, 120V Coil, 

New Allen Bradley Thermal Overload Relay, 193-T1DC75, NIB, Warranty

Ingersoll Rand N+1 Module, # 99340465, 99340473, S/W 89994R00, , WARRANTY

Ingersoll Rand N+1 Module, # 99340465, 99340473, S/W 89994R01, , WARRANTY

Wenglor Sensoric LX10PA2, w/Optical Fibre Amplifier, , Warranty

Fanuc Power Unit, # A16B-1310-0010-01, , WARRANTY

NEW KHK Standard Stock Spur Gear, MSGB2.5-40, NIB, WARRANTY

Yamatake Photoelectric Switch, HPA-E23, , WARRANTY

Numatics Solenoid Valve, 153SS615K000030, 150 PSIG, , WARRANTY

Allen Bradley Contactor, 100-C43E*00, Ser B, 24VDC Coil, , Warranty

NEW Etamic Movomatic Straight Probe and Cable, # ZDB103, Warranty

Rexroth Bosch Pneumatic Cylinder, 0 822 342 502, 50 / 50, , WARRANTY

General Electric 44B398625-001 PC Board, 44B398808-002/8, , Warranty

Fanuc Memory Card Adapter, A20B-2000-0600/03A, , Warranty

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  • 職位: 營銷部
  • 真: 0596-3119658
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