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隨著時代的發展,人們對建筑裝飾越來越重視,鋁格柵也成為了越來越多裝飾材料中的一種,鋁格柵吊頂也越來越受歡迎。鋁格柵吊頂規格一般為寬度:10mm  高度:30 mm 35mm 40mm 50 mm ,寬度:15mm  高度:50 mm 60mm 80mm 90 mm  100mm 110mm 120 mm ,寬度:20mm  高度:50 mm 60mm 70mm 80mm 90 mm  100mm 110mm 120 mm 。然而鋁格柵吊頂安裝決不能將就,那怎么樣才能不辜負自己呢?

With the development of the times, People pay more and more attention to architectural decoration , aluminum grille has become one of more and more decorative materials, aluminum grille ceiling is also more and more popular. General specification for aluminum grille ceiling is width: 10mm height: 30 mm 35mm 40mm 50 mm ;width: 15mm, height: 50 mm 60mm 80mm 90 mm 100mm 110mm 120 mm ;width: 20mm, height: 50 mm 60mm 70mm 80mm 90 mm 100mm 110mm 120 mm. However, the installation of aluminum grille ceiling cant never be put up with , then how can we not live up ourselves?


 aluminum grille ceiling installation


1snap the line: The horizontal level is removed from each corner of the room with a level instrument, and the level line is ejected , pop-up level from level to high ceiling design, snap the level line with a line along the wall . At the same time, the main keel is released on the concrete roof.



The fixed hanging bar: use the expansion bolt to fix hanging bar. One end of a hanger rod is welded with L30*30*3 wire rod bracket, the other end taps out the screw mandrel that is greater than 100 mm. The hanger rod is fixed on the floor with the expansion bolt,and impact hammer drilling



3Installation of the light steel keel: light steel keel should be hung on the hanger rod, light steel keel should be parallel to the long room installation, at the same time,it should be in an arch. The length of the main keel should be butted, and the butt joints of adjacent keels shall be staggered with each other. Light steel keel should be basically leveling after hanging. The ceiling with a span greater than 15m shall be on the main keel, plus a big keel at intervals of 15m, and be welded firmly to the vertical main keel.



(4)The spring strip installation: boom is connected with the light steel keel spacing of 900 mm to 1000 mm, Then clip the spring onto the boom.


(5)The main side grille assemble: the main and side bone grille are assembled below according to the requirements of design drawings with good.



6Grille installation: the pre packaged grille ceiling is hung by the hook in the main bone hole, after the whole grille ceiling connected, adjusted it to the level of.



Foshan Jian Wei aluminum grille factory is specialized in the production and sale aluminum grille ceiling, if you want to know more about the aluminum grille production, please click on the website: http://www.fsjwlth.com.Or consult our business manager, Miss Luo, on her phone / WeChat: 13924844954

  • 聯系人: 女士
  • 職位: 業務經理
  • 真: 0757-81213155
  • 電話: 0757-81213155
  • 手機: 13924844954
  • 址: 廣東省 佛山市 南海區獅山鎮小塘工業區